Uruguay pasture

Meat production based on natural pastures

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Meat production based on natural pastures

Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Food and Beverage
Indicative Return
Describes the rate of growth an investment is expected to generate within the IOA. The indicative return is identified for the IOA by establishing its Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return of Investment (ROI) or Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
10% - 15% (in IRR)
Investment Timeframe
Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.
Medium Term (5–10 years)
Market Size
Describes the value of potential addressable market of the IOA. The market size is identified for the IOA by establishing the value in USD, identifying the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) or providing a numeric unit critical to the IOA.
USD 50 million - USD 100 million
Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.
> USD 10 million
Direct Impact
Describes the primary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9) Life on Land (SDG 15) Zero Hunger (SDG 2)
Indirect Impact
Describes the secondary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8) Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) No Poverty (SDG 1) Good health and well-being (SDG 3)

Business Model Description

Implement regenerative livestock value-chain models with cattle raisers to increase net cash flows and reduce GHG emissions.

Expected Impact

The transformation of livestock production models such as regenerative livestock with a direct impact on the reduction of CO2 emissions.

How is this information gathered?

Investment opportunities with potential to contribute to sustainable development are based on country-level SDG Investor Maps.


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Country & Regions

Explore the country and target locations of the investment opportunity.
  • Uruguay: Countrywide
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Sector Classification

Situate the investment opportunity within sustainability focused sector, subsector and industry classifications.

Food and Beverage

Development Need
Uruguay's primary production must be developed in a sustainable manner. Uruguay currently produces food for 30 million people and has the capacity to do so for 20 million more. Meat chain is an example of integration between the agricultural, industrial and service phases in which producers interrelate with the supply of agricultural machinery and technological inputs.

Policy priority
The food sector, and especially agricultural production, plays a relevant role in the design of public policies (7) through the MGAP and the MA (Ministry of the Environment). Especially regarding sustainable production, the Climate Change Office, the Agricultural Plan Office and the Livestock and Climate and Climate-Smart Livestock programs stand out.

Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
The gender gap in employment in rural areas reaches 27.4%, employment rate of rural women is lower than the national female average. For their part, the unemployment levels of women in rural areas are significantly higher than those of their male peers. The participation of women in jobs reaches 20.4% in the primary phase and 30.4% in agribusiness.

Investment opportunities introduction
Markets for CO2-neutral or certified sustainable foods are in increasing demand as consumer preferences change globally. Remaining isolated from this change in the market implies being associated with unsustainable producers and practices in food production.

Key bottlenecks introduction
Sustainable food production is an important driver of development in the sector, however, there are still important conservative features at the level of companies and unions in the sector that offer strong resistance to incorporating innovations or changes in business models and production techniques experimental.

Pipeline Opportunity

Discover the investment opportunity and its corresponding business model.
Investment Opportunity Area

Meat production based on natural pastures

Regenerative models for sustainable meat production
Business Model

Implement regenerative livestock value-chain models with cattle raisers to increase net cash flows and reduce GHG emissions.

Business Case

Learn about the investment opportunity’s business metrics and market risks.

Market Size and Environment

Market Size (USD)
Describes the value in USD of a potential addressable market of the IOA.

USD 50 million - USD 100 million

Describes the historical or expected annual growth of revenues in the IOA market.

5% - 10%

The sustainable meat market is a driver in the search for value generation in the production of primary base value. Of the 12 million heads of cattle, regenerative farming represents 3% of the total. Assuming a calf cost of USD 400, the maximum market size would be USD 144 million.

Indicative Return

Describes an expected annual rate of growth of the IOA investment.

10% - 15%

The case studies of investment funds and bonds that invest in livestock businesses at different stages of the cycle show returns between 7% and 11%.

Investment Timeframe

Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.

Medium Term (5–10 years)

A type of production is assumed in the final phase of the livestock cycle (fattening) with a duration of between 12 and 18 months. In a period of 5 to 10 years, several business cycles can be combined, mitigating the risks of years of extreme droughts that punish returns.

Ticket Size

Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.

> USD 10 million

Market Risks & Scale Obstacles

Business - Business Model Unproven

Although there are success cases, regenerative farming is still a practice in a minority of establishments, it is treated as a niche market. Its slow implementation is explained by the conservative dynamics of livestock producers.

Impact Case

Read about impact metrics and social and environmental risks of the investment opportunity.

Sustainable Development Need

Livestock is called to lead the productive dynamics and the well-being of the rural population of Uruguay. Livestock production in natural fields occurs in most of the national territory, it is a source of employment and income for rural towns and territories. Extensive cattle ranching is an Uruguayan comparative advantage, efficient in costs and economically profitable.

Gender & Marginalisation

The meat chain is an area where the role of women occupies a secondary level. In the meatpacking industry as well as in the livestock, agriculture and related units sector, the participation of female employment is 23%.

Expected Development Outcome

Incorporate livestock practices that enable the capture of CO2 in the improvement of pastures. Forming a carbon neutral meat chain strategy.

Transform livestock production to a sustainable one through the development of regenerative livestock.

Recovery of native grasslands in natural fields through the fertilizer product of the intensive stocking of cattle distributed in rotating plots.

Livestock establishments are often family production units. The continuity of economic models has direct effects on migratory phenomena from the countryside to the city.

The meat produced on natural pasture has properties and health conditions superior to those produced under confinement conditions.

Gender & Marginalisation

Increase in the participation of women in the refrigeration industry and in primary production. In turn, empower women in management roles and as a transforming factor in associated organizations.

Primary SDGs addressed

Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12)
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

12.2.1 Material footprint, material footprint per capita, and material footprint per GDP

Current Value

The NDC commitment corresponding to CH4/Meat Production is to reduce intensity by 32% compared to 1990. As of 2018, it has been reduced by 28%, having met the goal by 2025 by 88%.

Target Value

NDC target decrease of 32% by 2025.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9)
9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

9.2.1 Manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP and per capita

9.1.1 Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road

Current Value

Value added measurement of the meat chain. An increase is expected, as a result of improvements in export prices.

The current data corresponds to the value of the production of the Live Cattle and Others sub-item within the Livestock GDP. Data to 2018 = 26,176 million pesos of 2005.

Target Value

Appreciable increases of the order of 10% - 20%.

There is no clear goal to define the fulfillment of the goal associated with this impact yet.

Life on Land (SDG 15)
15 - Life on Land

15.3.1 Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area

Current Value

The NDC commitment includes two goals: Conservation of Grasslands with a goal of 1,000,000 hectares by 2025 and maintaining the area of ​​Native Forest (849,960 hectares) to 2025.

Target Value

Grassland Conservation = 652,455 hectares (65% of goal); Native Forest 100% of the goal achieved.

Zero Hunger (SDG 2)
2 - Zero Hunger

2.4.1 Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture

Secondary SDGs addressed

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
1 - No Poverty
3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Directly impacted stakeholders


Rural workers linked to productive units that improve their productivity and improvements in employment and remuneration conditions would be expected.


Sequestration of CO2 as an effect of the improvement of natural grasslands and better use of the land


Rural producers and the refrigeration industry, which improve price levels that are accessed in international markets.

Public sector

Ministry of Livestock and Ministry of Economy.

Indirectly impacted stakeholders


Rural producers and families settled in rural territories, whose income depends on the productivity of livestock activity.

Gender inequality and/or marginalization

Rural women linked to productive units.


Business associations and union of exporters.

Public sector

Ministries and the office of Uruguay XXI

Outcome Risks

It reduces the effects of climate change, but does not eliminate them, as is the case with droughts.

It has a significant incremental investment level, in fences, pipes and drinking fountains. At the same time, it demands additional training for producers who transform the systems.

Gender inequality and/or marginalization risk: special attention must be paid to the use of women as subjects of credit, but that does not imply a real change in forms of management or remuneration.

Impact Risks

It is necessary to standardize the procedures through certifications in order to be able to direct the efforts to clear impact goals, carry out action plans and follow-up.

The CO2 sequestration metrics for pasture improvement are still under development and are the subject of academic debate. Overcoming the scientific debate will allow progress towards a holistic view of the forms of production in Uruguayan livestock.

Impact Classification

A—Act to Avoid Harm


Transformation of the productive livestock matrix through a CO2 capture system


The main risks are associated with not achieving the scale necessary to achieve a significant impact.

Impact Thesis

The transformation of livestock production models such as regenerative livestock with a direct impact on the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Enabling Environment

Explore policy, regulatory and financial factors relevant for the investment opportunity.

Policy Environment

Uruguay has set ambitious goals in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Based on priorities established in the National Climate Change Response Policy (SNRCC).

Livestock and Climate Program (MGAP, INIA, UDELAR, FAO).

MGAP- Sustainability and Climate Change Unit.

Financial Environment

Financial incentives:currently there are large investment funds in the country specializing in investments in livestock, without taking into account sustainability conditions. https://conexionganadera.com/

Fiscal incentives: agricultural production has a set of tax exemptions and a special model of legal form. In turn, there is a system of tax exemptions in the country for investments in general with preferential conditions to those located in the interior of the country.

Other incentives: Uruguay has significant support from several technical and academic institutions that together generate innovation and spread best practices in livestock and agriculture in general (INEA, UTU, UTEC, UDELAR, among others).

Regulatory Environment

The set of norms and regulations for livestock production. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-ganaderia-agricultura-pesca/institucional/normativa?field_tipo_de_norma_target_id=All&year=all&month=all&field_tematica_target_id=848&field_publico_target_id=37

Livestock farms are covered by the investment tax exemption regime. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-ganaderia-agricultura-pesca/institucional/normativa/resolucion-n-1332021-mgap-beneficio-fiscal-titulares -holdings

Marketplace Participants

Discover examples of public and private stakeholders active in this investment opportunity that were identified through secondary research and consultations.

Private Sector

Livestock producers;Rural Association of Uruguay.


Ministry of Livestock Agriculture and Fisheries; Ministry of Environment.


UNDP, UN Environment.



Public-Private Partnership

INAC, Fucrea, Crea Groups, Federated Agricultural Cooperatives (CAF).

Target Locations

See what country regions are most suitable for the investment opportunity. All references to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of the Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)
country static map

Uruguay: Countrywide


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    • (1) Development of a sustainable agricultural sector in Latin America; Deloitte; July 2021.
    • (2) https://www.gub.uy/ministry-livestock-agriculture-fishing/sustainability-environmental-social)